Portfolio Website
My personal portfolio website!
Project Overview
This project is a personal portfolio website built entirely with ASP.NET and Blazor web frameworks for building web apps in C#. The goal of this website is to provide a visually engaging and interactive platform where I can present my skills, highlight key projects, and offer potential employers or collaborators a way to connect with me.
Key Features
- To be written: !
Tech Stack
This portfolio was developed using the following technologies:
- Blazor: Core framework for building interactive web pages using C# instead of JavaScript.
- ASP.NET Core: Backend framework providing the foundation for the Blazor application.
- Bootstrap: CSS framework for styling, creating responsive, mobile-first web layouts.
- GitHub: Code repository for version control and sharing the project with the community.
Challenges Faced
This project required that I significantly refine my visual design skills.
Key Outcomes
- Successfully deployed a fully responsive, single-page portfolio website with interactive components.
- Improved understanding of component-based development and the Blazor framework.
- Enhanced skills in creating responsive layouts with Bootstrap, making the site accessible and visually appealing across devices.
Check out the project source code on GitHub!
GitHub Repository